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Don't Be In The Dark About Our Legal System

Hello, I'm Karla Mitchell. Going through a legal case can be very expensive and challenging. I won't go into details, but I recently underwent my own legal battle that lasted several years. It is finally over and I successfully received a settlement, but I had to spend so much time studying law in order to play my role in my own court case. While I found a great attorney at one point, I felt completely lost initially and I don't want anyone else to experience the same thing. So I decided to create this blog for those who would like to know more about law.


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Don't Be In The Dark About Our Legal System

    How To Maximize Your Income As A New Lawyer

    As a lawyer you can expect to make more than $60 an hour, especially if you commit to expanding your experience and education after initially earning your credentials to practice law. While an increase in income tends to go hand in hand with working your way "up the ladder", there are a few things you can do to help maximize your income as a new lawyer while you're building a new career for yourself in the industry – here are a few effective ideas to consider:

    Workers' Comp: Can A Job Classify You As A Contractor Instead Of Employee?

    If your job changed your work status from employee to contractor immediately after you experienced an accident on the job, contact a workers' compensation attorney now. Your job hired you as a full-time or part-time employee, which means they can't change your work status without telling you beforehand or right after you have an accident on the job. Some employers use the tactic to avoid paying workers' compensation and other benefits to employees.

    Filing A Divorce While Stationed Overseas

    Filing for a divorce if you or your spouse is a member of the US military can be a little more complicated than an ordinary divorce. Although military divorces are handled by civil courts, military members have a few extra benefits, rules, and regulations that can be both helpful and sometimes difficult to navigate. If the military member is currently stationed overseas, either accompanied or unaccompanied by his or her family, things can get even more complicated.

    Can You Do Anything If The Bank Refuses To Sell Your Home After Foreclosure?

    If your mortgage lender has recently been granted a foreclosure judgment against you, you've likely already begun the process of searching for a new home or apartment in anticipation of your home being sold at auction. Once you vacate your home, you may assume the sheriff's sale has been scheduled and begin to put the entire process behind you. However, in some cases, your mortgage lender may not immediately proceed to sale after a judgment.

    4 Questions About DUI Charges Answered

    When it comes to the world of moving traffic violations, there are few things worse than receiving a DUI charge. DUI charges can irrevocably affect your life, usually for the worst. After receiving a DUI and sobering up, one of the first things you will want to do is contact an attorney for your trial, or if you have an attorney, make sure that you have a few questions ready to ask him or her regarding how this will affect you and the choices you wish to make later in your life.

    3 Things To Know If You Are Considering Filing Bankruptcy Individually When Married

    If you have a lot of debt and are having trouble repaying it, you might consider the idea of filing for bankruptcy. If your spouse has great credit and does not owe any debts, he or she may not want to file with you though. You can file for bankruptcy individually, even if you are married, but there are several things you should understand about this before you file. Here are three important things to know before you meet with a bankruptcy attorney.

    Getting More Time: 3 Ways To Extend The Statute Of Limitations On Personal Injury Cases

    Even if you have a sound and strong case with sufficient evidence, your case can still be thrown out of court if you failed to comply with your state's statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is a specific deadline established for filing lawsuits, and varies by state. In Alabama, the statute of limitations for injuries is 2 years whereas the statute of limitations for the same type of case in Maine is 6 years.

    GPS For The Workers Comp Road: How To Talk To Your Boss During The Claims Process

    Sustaining a life-changing injury while performing job duties puts many people in an adversarial position with their former employers. After all, if you are challenging the findings of your employer's insurance company--findings that posit your employer has no liability for the incident--it's going to be difficult to navigate conversations between the two of you while you both await the outcome of the case. However, there are some helpful tips you can use to navigate this long and winding road--tips that will help you preserve your professional reputation.